Essential oils!!

How aromatherapy can help with endometriosis, and more:

Endometriosis symptoms can be helped with aromatherapy and they can act as a support to the entire system as well , It is well known that many oils will help to boost the immune system, and will help to keep infections at ease pain, help relax and even help with sleep!

Some essential oils for endometriosis sufferers including:

• Wound and scar healing

• Deal with insomnia and aid sleep

• Relaxing oils to help with stress

• Anti-depressant oils

• Relieve pre-menstrual tension

Some oils are : Clary sage, eucalyptus,



Roman chamomile,


ylang ylang,





These all have there own natural properties and help aid in pain relief and relaxation!

I’ve even made up some massage blends, bath salts which are amazing to use!

Obviously this isn’t going to be everyone’s cup of tea, and you have to have an open mind, but I do honestly believe they help! Plus they smell incredible too!

NATURAL HEALING is amazing alternative and is healthier on your body too!

I’ve done A tonne of research into aromatherapy and endometriosis, so no harm in trying right?

The first 3 essential oils I tried were lavender, eucalyptus and frankincense, all with their own values and healing properties.

Frankincense, sometimes referred to as olibanum, is a common type of essential oil used in aromatherapy that can offer a variety of health benefits, including helping relieve chronic stress and anxiety, reducing pain and inflammation, boosting immunity and even potentially helping to fight cancer.

Eucalyptus radiata essential oil has a wide range of useful therapeutic properties. It has a powerful antibacterial, antifungal and anti-infectious action, which makes it extremely useful for all types of infection.and

Pain relief.

lavender essential oil has the ability to eliminate nervous tension, relieve pain,enhance blood circulation and treat respiratory problems. I now own a lot of oils, and use them in my daily life.

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