Emotions and food!

Emotional eating is turning to food for comfort, stress relief, or as a reward rather than to satisfy hunger. Most emotional eaters feel powerless over their food cravings. When the urge to eat hits, it’s all you can think about.

If you’ve ever made room for dessert even though you’re already full or dove into a pint of ice cream when you’re feeling down,? Your not alone this is me when I’m depressed!

Emotional eating is using food to make yourself feel better—eating to fill emotional needs, rather than to fill your stomach.

Using food from time to time as a pick me up, a reward, or to celebrate isn’t necessarily a bad thing. But when eating is your primary emotional coping mechanism when your first impulse is to open the refrigerator whenever you’re upset, angry, lonely, stressed, exhausted, or bored and you get stuck in an unhealthy cycle where the real feeling or problem is never addressed.

Emotional hunger can’t be filled with food. Eating may feel good at that moment, but the feelings that triggered the eating are still there. And you often feel worse than you did before because of the unnecessary calories you just consumed. 😰You feel guilty for messing up and not having more willpower.

Are you an emotional eater?

Do you eat more when you’re feeling stressed?

Do you eat when you’re not hungry or when you’re full?

Do you eat to feel better (to calm and soothe yourself?

Do you eat rubbish when your depressed?

Maybe next time ur feeling lonely down or stress wait 5 before heading to the cupboard or fridge, think of other ways like exercise. Breathing or a glass water !!

Just couple things that sometimes helped me, if after this I still want food then I must be hungry and always try to choose healthy options now and not the chocolate or ice cream.

But let’s be honest I still emotional eat especially when I’m depressed like the past couple weeks!!!

The reason I’m writing this is with the pain, and depression I slowly feel myself sinking and I’m finding I’m snacking more, and need to go back to my herbal teas, or just bed lol. As I said earlier tho sometimes it’s ok, just don’t let it ruin all the hard work!

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