Black lotus float studio

My morning floating – been dying try here’s my experience! Wow I was extremely spectical. It’s a large tank filled with water that has things like magnesium and salts in, it blocks out all sensory input ! Light sounds ect! Other than the lovely relaxing colour lights in the tank! U do have the option…

What do you do if you think you have endometriosis?

Sometimes it can feel very uncomfortable asking for or receiving support, but it is so important we do! We have to be able to open up, which can be overwhelming and or embarrassing and leave us feeling so vulnerable. I’ve been ask so many times what made me think I had endo? Short Answer I…

Bad smell?

So this is kinda the most embarrassing topic yet ! I haven’t seen this one be talked about, but feel like I can’t be the only one ☝️ OR AM I? So your wondering what the hell im on about? Bad odor around ovulation time! Yes you read correct, I’ve always had a strong odor…

My reality

So this morning I was ment to be heading out to meet friends for a walk and prob some drinks after lol 😂! Woke at 7am and could hardly roll over and open my eyes, I just knew i wouldn’t be able to go! and reached over to message the person! It’s really sad this…


I spend so much money on medications, doctors, ambulance fees! Vitamins, supps to help give me e energy just to get by! I have alarms set to remind me to take them on a app on my phone, or I forget and then i end up in even more pain than every other minute of…


EXHAUSTION- a state of extreme physical or mental tiredness. Literally just had the best 12 hour sleep after my float yesterday like I only woke once during the night and maybe 2x before 1030am! Usually I wake 4x plus and toss and turn all night! The thing now is even tho I had an amazingly…

Period essentials

My period SHARK WEEK, essentials are: Pads and my mooncup I used to use tampons but the hurt so much! Wheat pack and tens machine. Cuddly bear, chocolate bars the size of your face! Laxatives cause we all get so constipated on our monthly cycle, like what’s up with that shit? Pun not intended lol…

Yoga stretches to help pelvic pain

Excuse the funny pics hahaha I’m not the most elegant stretcher 😂😂 but these ones are the ones I do and These stretches are designed to loosen the muscles inside and around the pelvis. Take the movements to a point of increased tension but never too painful, and I Do each for 30sec and don’t…

Surgery tips !

So for me I’ve had plenty yet every time I get so anxious and scared and that’s normal I think! It’s pretty scary going under the knife! Just breathe and keep calm, the day of they usually can give you something to help relax you before pre op! I take it lol I need it…

Sex and endometriosis (dyspsreunia)

So this topic is hard it’s very personal, however I think it’s one that needs touching base on! Especially if it may help someone else. ( dyspareunia-) medical Term for painful intercourse; Pain during or after sexual intercourse is a common symptom with endometriosis. Unfortunately, all too often it causes people immense emotional pain and…